Mesic Short Prairie Native Seed Mix - Specifications

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Common Name Scientific Name % of Mix  (Seeds/ft2) Seeds/ft2 Total oz. / Acre
Sideoats Grama Bouteloua curtipendula 8.37% 5.51 40.00 PLS oz.
Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 20.91% 13.77 40.00 PLS oz.
Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis 1.12% 0.73 2.00 PLS oz.
Sedges & Rushes
Plains Oval Sedge Carex brevior 3.54% 2.33 3.5 PLS oz.
Bicknell's Sedge Carex bicknellii 0.74% 0.49 1.25 PLS oz.
Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum 5.02% 3.31 1.60 PLS oz.
Nodding Onion Allium cernuum 0.67% 0.44 1.75 PLS oz.
Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa 0.15% 0.10 1.00 PLS oz.
Sky Blue Aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense 1.39% 0.92 0.50 PLS oz.
Smooth Blue Aster Aster laevis 1.92% 1.26 1.00 PLS oz.
Canada Milk Vetch Astragalus canadensis 1.19% 0.78 2.00 PLS oz.
White Wild Indigo Baptisia alba 0.06% 0.04 1.00 PLS oz.
Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata 0.38% 0.25 4.00 PLS oz.
White Prairie Clover Dalea candidum 0.99% 0.65 1.50 PLS oz.
Purple Prairie Clover Dalea purpurea 2.04% 1.34 3.25 PLS oz.
Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 0.92% 0.61 4.00 PLS oz.
Rattlesnake Master Eryngium yuccifolium 0.46% 0.30 1.75 PLS oz.
Cream Gentian Gentiana flavida 3.66% 2.41 0.75 PLS oz.
Round-headed Bush Clover Lespedeza capitata 0.28% 0.18 1.00 PLS oz.
Prairie Blazingstar Liatris pycnostachya 0.58% 0.38 1.50 PLS oz.
Northern Blazingstar  Liatris scariosa 0.21% 0.14 0.50 PLS oz.
Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 3.66% 2.41 1.50 PLS oz.
Wild Quinine Parthenium integrifolium 0.98% 0.64 4.00 PLS oz.
Foxglove Beardtongue  Penstemon digitalis 7.25% 4.78 1.60 PLS oz.
Prairie Cinquefoil Potentilla arguta 6.41% 4.22 0.80 PLS oz.
Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum virginianum 1.92% 1.26 0.25 PLS oz.
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 12.83% 8.45 4.00 PLS oz.
Stiff Goldenrod Solidago rigida 2.86% 1.88 2.00 PLS oz.
Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis 0.21% 0.14 0.75 PLS oz.
Culver's root Veronicastrum virginicum 8.92% 5.88 0.32 PLS oz.
Golden Alexanders Zizia aurea 0.38% 0.25 1.00 PLS oz.
% of Mix  (Seeds/ft2) Seeds/ft2 Total lbs. / Acre
Grasses 30.40% 20.02 5.13
Sedges & Rushes 4.28% 2.82 0.30
Forbs 65.32% 43.02 2.71
Grand Total 100% 65.86 8.13