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Detention Basin, Raingarden, and Bioswale Native Seed Mix

Detention Basin, Raingarden, and Bioswale Native Seed Mix

Regular price $ 1,546.67
Regular price Sale price $ 1,546.67
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Pure Live Seed

Seed is provided in Pure Live Seed (PLS) unless otherwise stated.

Pure Live Seed (PLS) refers to the percentage of a seed lot that consists of the desired species and is viable (capable of germination).   

Here's why PLS is crucial for native seeds:

  • Accurate Planting:
    • PLS helps determine the actual number of viable seeds in a given weight or volume of seed.   
    • This ensures you plant the correct amount of seed to achieve the desired density and success rate.   
  • Cost-Effectiveness:
    • By knowing the PLS, you can avoid overspending on seed that may not germinate.
    • This is especially important for native seeds, which can be more expensive than some cultivated varieties.
  • Weed Control:
    • PLS helps minimize the presence of weed seeds within the seed lot.
    • This reduces competition for resources and ensures the successful establishment of the desired native plants.
  • Ecological Restoration:
    • Using high-quality native seeds with a high PLS is essential for successful ecological restoration projects.
    • It helps to re-establish diverse and resilient plant communities that support local wildlife.
Seed Mix Specifications

This workhorse mix is designed exactly for what it is named - Detention Basin, Rain garden, Bioswale Native Seed Mix.  We have put a lot of thought into the versatility of native seed mix so you don't have to.  It is a broad spectrum native wildflower, sedge, grass, and rush mix that works from wet to dry-mesic conditions and any spectrum in between. If prepared correctly this native seed mix establishes relatively easily and performs well in high stormwater bounce situations.

Plus this mix attracts pollinators, such as butterflies including the monarch, hummingbirds, and many more wildlife species. 

This mix is composed of 56% of sedge, grass, and rush species by seed count to compete in the tough conditions found in the detention Basin, rain gardens, and bioswale areas!!!!

*This seed mix includes 39 species including 8 native grasses, 10 sedge and rush species, and 20 native flowers.

Use this as your base and add diversity by supplementing with plants.


*Provided as Pure Live Seed

*All mixes may vary in % composition and species composition based upon availability. 

All seed sales are final and can not be returned because they are custom mixed at the time of purchase.


Shipping & Care

Seed ships all year and typically ships within a week of an order being placed.

We have attempted to put together some basic information regarding native seed installation, establishment, and maintenance.  We hope you find it helpful.  If you need further assistance on native seed establishment, please schedule a free consolation call here.

Consultation Services

Ecosystem Restoration Considerations

Native Seed Establishment Best Management Practices

Native Seed Stratification Best Management Practices

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