Midwest Plant Selection Along Shore and Coastlines
Midwest Plant Selection Along Shore and Coastlines for part to full sun.
Coastal Areas Seed Mix (also click link for seed specifications for species lists):
Detention Basin, Raingarden, and Bioswale Native Seed Mix (for reference - not recommended with your new knowledge - Broad Spectrum Mix)
Wet Prairie Native Seed Mix (squishy soils nearly all year except summer - part to full sun)
Emergent Wetland Native Seed Mix (saturated to mud flats in summer of standing water all year)
Costal Buffer Seed Mixes (slightly dry to normal soil moisture - part to full sun)
Mesic Short Prairie Native Seed Mix also click on the "species list and mix specifications" for species details.
Mesic Tallgrass Prairie Native Seed Mix also click on the "species list and mix specifications" for species details.
Coastal Areas Warrior Plant Lists:
We will expand this list shortly for shady areas.